MMU Council attends Ministry of Education PC signing and ISO launch


MMU Vice Chancellor Prof. Rosebella Maranga shakes hands with Education Cabinet Secretary Hon. Julius Migos during Ministry of Education signing of 21st Cycle Performance Contract for Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAs) for 2024/2025 Financial Year and the launch of the ministry’s ISO Certificate at CEMASTEA in Karen on Tuesday, January 28, 2025. 

Multimedia University of Kenya was among the public universities and state corporations present at the Ministry of Education signing of the 21st Cycle Performance Contract for Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAs) for
2024/2025 Financial Year and the launch of the ministry’s ISO Certificate at CEMASTEA in Karen. 


In an exercise that was presided over by Education Cabinet Secretary Hon. Julius Migos, Principal Secretary, State Department for Higher Education and Research Dr. Beatrice Inyangala, Principal Secretary, State Department for Basic Education Dr. Belio Kipsang, and Principal Secretary, State Department for Technical, Vocational Education and Training Dr. Esther Muoria, the MMU team was presented by Chairman of Council Dr. Albert Kochei, Vice Chancellor Prof. Rosebella Maranga, and Council Member Dr. Hon. Moses Ole Sakuda.


Education Cabinet Secretary Hon. Julius Migos during Ministry of Education signing of 21st Cycle Performance Contract for Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAs) for 2024/2025 Financial Year and the launch of the ministry’s ISO Certificate at CEMASTEA in Karen on Tuesday, January 28, 2025.

The exercise comes just days after the university successfully underwent a 2023/2024 – 20th Cycle Performance Contract Evaluation by the government. The evaluation exercise, which was also presided over by Dr. Kochei, forms a critical part of the government’s Performance Management Framework, which aims to ensure accountability and alignment with Kenya’s national development goals.


The evaluation exercise focuses on commitments, performance indicators, and targets detailed in the ministries’ performance contracts for the financial year.

MMU Chairman of Council (right), with Vice Chancellor Prof. Rosebella Maranga during Ministry of Education signing of 21st Cycle Performance Contract for Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAs) for 2024/2025 Financial Year and the launch of the ministry’s ISO Certificate at CEMASTEA in Karen on Tuesday, January 28, 2025.

“These targets were drawn from key government policy blueprints, including Kenya Vision 2030, the Fourth Medium Term Plan (2023-2027), and the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA), said Dr. Kochei adding that the university is keen to implement policies that will ensure the continued growth of the institution through effective and efficient service delivery while at the same time supporting the national development goals.


Prof. Maranga said that MMU is committed to quality service delivery anchored on financial stewardship, innovation, and affirmative action in procurement while also fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Dr. Hon Moses Ole Sakuda shakes hands with Education Cabinet Secretary Hon. Julius Migos during Ministry of Education signing of 21st Cycle Performance Contract for Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAs) for 2024/2025 Financial Year and the launch of the ministry’s ISO Certificate at CEMASTEA in Karen on Tuesday, January 28, 2025.